My second Wantable Style Edit came in, so here’s a look inside at their June box (you can view the first one here). I have to admit I liked the color palette much more this time around and I wish I could have kept the jumper but I think my thighs had a different opinion on the matter. (Alas, the pear-shaped struggle is real.) I ended up keeping the black BB Dakota top but instantly regretted it, so I’ll be selling it on consignment since I already wore it out. Still, I think they took my notes from the first time into consideration (no more junior sized dresses!) and sent a few things that were a little more my taste (except for that really unfortunate soccer mom dress). Based on this box, I made some notes and edits for the next and look forward to seeing what they choose. For now, pics (and Pomeranian cameos) ahead.

P.S. Please forgive the blotchy skin and frizzy hair. These were taken at the end of a very long day. Lucy’s new favorite thing is throwing blunt objects at Mommy and saying yes when she means no and vice versa. The terrible twos are no joke!