Tag Archives: ifb con

IFB Con, September ’12

This post is admittedly long overdue, but the event was certainly not forgettable by any means. Having attended my first IFB Con back in February, I was eager to return and see some familiar faces. Being in a room with some of the best-dressed bloggers from all around (there were some ladies from Australia and Germany representing the international scene) was inspiring and made me want to immediately overhaul my closet. There was an incredible collection of shoes — you can see a couple of my favorites in neon and metallic on Corrie and Jenn, and a stunning pair of Pradas on Krystal Bick — and a Nine West Shoe Confessions booth to atone for the addiction.

I snapped some shots of my favorite moments to share with you, like Coco Rocha’s interview with Derek Blaserg, whose quotable phrase, “I knew I wanted to live among the magazines,” immediately resonated with me.

Corrie, Metitia, and Jenn: It was wonderful meeting you! Candace, SO lovely to see you again! Maria Carolina, I’m so sorry you missed it but hope to catch you again soon! xx


Back from New York

And so I am back from New York, feeling a bit more run down than I’d anticipated, though I suspect it has less to do with the perpetual adrenaline buzz that comes with attending consecutive fashion events and more to do with my father’s relentless passion for overly-saturated tourist attractions. The old man is not quite so old at a young 57 and most literally (and to my embarrassment) strode circles around me in his sensible walking shoes (props to ya, Pops).

This trip was half business, half pleasure, and all sweaty aggravation at the tourist groups taking up 75% of the sidewalks in Manhattan with their matching t-shirts and collective disdain for deodorant. But it’s a small price to pay, and one I’d pay again willingly, to spend time with the ones you love — and bring home pounds of beauty swag from the fashion events. Let’s not forget those.

As I recover, I’ll be working on editing images from IFB Con and Lucky FABB, and the rest of my week in New York. For now, here are a couple of teasers. (I’m still in awe of having been in the presence of the incredible Anna Sui). Enjoy. 

The Business of Fashion: IFB Con in NYC

There’s a palpable energy that courses through New York City on any given day. It’s the kind of energy that makes you want to leap around town and just get things done. Being from Miami, I always feel the need to be productive. But I’m always just a little more inspired the minute my plane begins to make its descent over Manhattan, no matter the season.

That feeling was amplified on the eve of New York Fashion Week as hundreds of bloggers gathered in the spirit of fashion PR, ready to make a name for themselves and the brands they love. This was my first conference experience as an official blogger, a position I chose to take on seriously at the end of 2011. And while I never doubted its validity, attending IFB Con drove home one glimmering point: Fashion is a serious business.

Serious enough to gather the likes of Glamour (@susancernek), DKNY (@dkny), Refinery 29 (@refinery29), Bryan Boy (@bryanboy), and Bauble Bar (@baublebar), industry favorites that were all present to discuss and explore with bloggers the direction of this fledgling industry that’s changing the way business is run. Blogging is no longer the awkward distant cousin of direct marketing but rather the polished celebrity influencer you want in the front row – and we’re all thrilled to be a part of it.

The ladies (and gents) who attended were poised, chic, and ready to do business. They’ve inspired and encouraged me to keep doing what I do, and for that I’m utterly grateful.

Pics are included below, along with some shots of a few of my favorite outfits. You can keep up with these lovely ladies at their blogs:

By the way, check out the live runway shows here on YouTube.

What did you think of IFB Con? How did you fare from at the conference? Let me know in the comments below!