We lead such busy lives – days run into each other, the trivial things consume us, and before we know it, we’ve developed a desensitized perspective that all but muffles out the things that matter. A friend of mine lost his partner yesterday. The one he shared his life with lost his battle with cancer. I heard the news more than 24 hours ago and it just now hit me like a blow to the stomach. For the first time in a very long while, I allowed myself to cry; I sobbed like a child while my husband held me. I’ve experienced loss several times, and too often on a deeply profound level. And yet I’ve still allowed myself to forget, to take people for granted. If you’re reading, I hope this will serve as a reminder, as it has for me, that life is too short to not be good to each other. Life is too precious to let the important people and things get lost in the chaos of our days. Life is too short to not love deeply. So love with intent. Love with purpose and grace. And never forget that tomorrow has not been promised.
My thoughts and prayers are with Bruce during this difficult time. May Julio’s memory always live on.