Category Archives: Life & Family

And Baby Makes 3

Hello, old friend. It’s been a while. Two months, to be exact. Coming back from New York following a grueling tourist run left me depleted of any energy, motivation, or inspiration to post anything worth reading. But the truth is, it probably had more to do with the fact that I was newly pregnant (surprise!) than it did with actually dodging tourists in Manhattan — though that really didn’t help anyone, either.

I’m now about four months pregnant and feeling much more energetic (and a lot less pukey), but the first three months were especially trying. This is my first child and I’d heard quite a few horror stories of what I could expect to endure. But nothing can really prepare you for the toll your hormones will take on your body. For the first time in my adult life, I was not in control of anything and it was driving me absolutely nuts. Every day was a gamble. Some days were ok at best. Others were downright immobilizing. I spent a week in bed trying to figure out what was hurting the most — I was discovering parts I’d never been familiar with before. And also discovering they could hurt to the point of needing constant rest.

I was also surprised to learn I couldn’t stand perfume, makeup, or anything with even a mild fragrance. So there went the product review and sampling I’d planned following that incredible loot I’d snagged at the NYC events. And then there was the morning sickness…the kind that lasted all day. I’ll spare you the details of the rest of these magical symptoms. Suffice it to say it was basically a permanent state of hangover but without all the fun the night before. Also a little bit like a second run at adolescent puberty.

But, mostly, it was a three-month period of hermit-like existence. I’m grateful for my self-employed status. I don’t know how other women do it and I seriously curtsy to their bravery and endurance. Still, despite the physical torment and daily symptom discovery, Tony and I are incredibly excited and can’t wait to find out whether we’ll be welcoming a little girl or boy. We’re now eagerly preparing for his/her arrival, which means I may be a little slow on the posts and reviews, but I’ll do my best to keep them coming. I’m starting to feel much more like myself, so I’m optimistic about that.

Anyway, I couldn’t wait to share the news and hope to be able to share more of the process with my readers. There must be other mommies or moms-to-be out there who can share in the process. If you are, I’d love to hear from you. Trust me, any little bit of encouragement helps. Xx

P.S. Thanks to my incredibly talented husband for the awesome pregnancy announcement (photo above).

Date Night

If you’re wondering why in God’s name I’m voluntary wandering around West Kendall on a sacred date night, fear not – I have not suffered a concussion or been taken against my will. This is, however, illustrative of what happens when you insist on trying to wrap up a phone conversation while simultaneously gesturing to your husband as he heads in the direction of your flailing  hand signals that should have been pointing east when you were, unfortunately, directing west. Don’t point and talk, kids.

But I digress. Because venturing around Kendall makes for good blog fodder and vivid imagery, mainly produced by the neon lights at the Village Diner and Romero Britto’s insatiable desire to imprint on anything standing still long enough to get a healthy coat of kaleidoscopic glitter paint.

So what’s a girl to do? Well, what did Alice do? She painted the roses red with the rest of them. And so I did as the Kendallites do and enjoyed some time with my man by having some grub at the aforementioned greasy spoon, perusing the magazine racks for some quality glossies, and waiting around for a heavily-marketed summer flick that was delayed due to “technical issues” for about 45 minutes (you don’t want to miss the pic below; the screen was in that state for about 15 minutes following a half-hour period of plain old darkness).

But, if I’m honest, I’ll admit that it wasn’t really that bad. In fact, it wasn’t bad at all. I mean, will I volunteer for another night of dark-screen gazing and overcooked frites-consumption? Well, possibly. But that’s not the point. The point is that my honey took me on a date and made Kendall tolerable, blog-worthy, and even kinda nice. And you’d be lying if you didn’t admit you’d probably feel just as syrupy as I do right now.

So I give you my date-night highlights for your enjoyment and edification. And a word to the wise: Always head east.

Outfit details: L.A.M.B. Maier Tote, Qupid Black Wedges 

Happy 2012!

Happy New Year, everyone! Just like many of you, I’m so excited to start 2012. Last year was such a busy time for me, working on so many projects that thankfully helped me make the transition I am just now beginning – I am officially a telecommuter as of today, dedicating my efforts to this blog and AP Creative Services, my upcoming business venture (more on that coming soon!).

I feel so motivated and can’t wait to share with you all of the exciting things I’ll be working on this year. But for now, thanks for reading and I wish you all a beautifully exciting 2012. Cheers!


It’s hard to believe we’re here again, another year at it’s conclusion just a little too soon. And while time seems to go by so quickly, I’m always grateful for this time of reflection, fleeting as it may be.

This year, I’m thankful for my husband and the second wedding anniversary we will celebrate on Monday, our family and the incredible accomplishments they’ve enjoyed, our friends and the life they breathe into our everyday routine, the new business venture that seems to sparkle with promise, and the creative inspiration I’ve been blessed to delight in while making this year count.

Whether you find yourself among friends or family (though often times, they’re one and the same), I wish you a holiday filled with love, joy, and fulfillment. Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you and yours!

Bark 4 Green

Romeo would like to thank his friends at Bark 4 Green for the bag full of goodies he’s been happily digging through all afternoon. You’ve gotta love a company that has made it possible for puppy parents like Tony and I to considerably curb our carbon footprint and live a greener life by offering items like organic doggie treats and sustainable pet apparel. B4G also carries tons of pet accessories beyond food & adorable outfits, so be sure to check them out.

Check out our happy puppy and his new treats below.



American Cancer Society Relay For Life Brickell, Downtown, The Roads

Join us this weekend on Watson Island for the first American Cancer Society Relay for Life of the Roads, Brickell, and Downtown. Free music, entertainment, and art over an eighteen-hour celebration of life for those who have beat cancer, are living with it, and will not lose hope of finding a cure for this disease that affects so many.


Today is my 31st birthday and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I’ve been surrounded by friends and family, all of whom have shared in making this day so very special. Today marks another year, another opportunity to make changes, mark progress, and set forth intentions for the year to come. Six years and two weeks ago today, I took a risk in leaving a secure job and set forth my intentions to seek more fulfilling employment in a more creative environment. Six years ago to the day, I received news that the job I sought was mine. Though that chapter is now over, it was one of the best risks I’ve ever taken, one of the most formative experiences of my professional adult life.

Today, yet again, I begin another chapter  – I have finally taken a risk and made the decision to do what I love. Though I’m a little nervous (honestly, downright scared!) I guess I’ll take it as a sign that I tend to begin important life cycles on my birthday. I guess I’ll say a little prayer that I hope I can continue to consider this date not just a birthday but the mark of an anniversary to celebrate great things. And with that prayer, I send my praises and thanks for the amazing people who have surrounded me each and every year, day in and day out. I am ever grateful for so many fulfilled wishes.

La Quinceanera

It’s been about two weeks since my sister’s fifteenth birthday and I’m just now catching my breath from the seemingly endless birthday festivities throughout the month of March and beyond. Though it wasn’t a large affair, it was certainly intimate and meaningful. The most important thing is that my sister will have some beautiful memories to share for a lifetime.

Many thanks to Dolores but you can call me Lolita…, Sweetness Bakeshop, Carlitos at Portfolio Salon, Kiera at MAC Nordstrom (Dadeland Mall), and my hubby for the beautiful invitations (and his endless patience throughout this whole process). Pics below. Enjoy!

Puppy Love

I can still remember the day we adopted Romeo. He was a scrawny little thing with a halo of fuzz framing his tiny face. The good people at Second Chance Rescue  took him in after an anonymous breeder left him at their doorstep with a note explaining he was the runt of the litter and had little hope of surviving. Barely, the size of a CD, they took him in and nursed him into the feisty little pouf my husband picked out for me online as a gift.

Appearing more rodent than K-9, I was admittedly put off by his appearance when we first met as Romeo had just shed his first coat. But he made no apologies and with a few blinks of his chocolate brown puppy eyes, he easily nestled himself in the arms of my lovestruck husband and found a home with us that day. It’s been a little over two years now and it’s hard to tell who’s more of a sucker for that pup in our household, let alone with the rest of the family.

Recently, we reached out to the ladies who made this adoption possible about making a donation to their cause and they were gracious enough to send us Romeo’s puppy pictures since, they said, we were his “parents” and should really have them. I couldn’t agree more. Adopting Romeo is one of the best things that’s happened to us and it truly changed our lives for the better in ways we couldn’t have imagined.

My heart goes out to the pets who are abused, abandoned, or can’t find a home. And though I wish we could take them all in, we’ve decided to make a small contribution and help the cause by making others aware of how easy it is to help by adopting rather than buying your pets from a breeder and/or making a small contribution to help keep organizations like this alive and able to give care and love to these little creatures who can’t speak for themselves.

If you’re at all interested in making a contribution, you can donate online here.

If you’re looking for a pet, check out their gallery for available animals.

And, if nothing else, please help spread the word by sharing this post. Any little bit helps.  



Phase 2 – The Kitchen Project

I’m crouched in a corner of my kitchen admiring the angles of what finally has some semblance of the home improvement project I’d hoped to finish before Thanksgiving. My back is throbbing and my stomach is begging for something other than a cube of cheese and quarter cup of cranberry juice, but there’s nothing in that refrigerator that hasn’t already been promised to a guest or relative. No matter. In four days, I’ll be on a plane to Vegas savoring the kind of exhaustion that causes nightmare-free sleep. In the meantime, I enjoy the look of Phase 2 and wonder what I’d have done with just that much more of a budget. It’s a start…