Category Archives: Life & Family

A Little Panic, A Little Upgrade

November has caused me a level of  anxiety akin to that of stage fright combined with first-date jitters. Not only is my first wedding anniversary less than 3 weeks away (with a trip to Vegas pretty much right after our pumpkin cheesecake), but the proverbial baton has been passed and I am now officially in charge of hosting the family Thanksgiving dinner at my (very small and hardly adequate) home.

In traditional Cuban-girl fashion, I have already panicked and read at least 2 Williams-Sonoma Thanksgiving cookbooks. This, of course, was followed by yesterday’s impromptu trip to Ikea, mecca of all things cheap, chic, and Swedish. Phase one of my prep time turned into a living room makeover for under $130 (pics below – we basically bought a large mirror and small side table and moved things around until they made sense). Phase two will consist of a kitchen renovation, currently underway. Phase three will undoubtedly involve some sort of muscle relaxer and a bottle of champagne. Check back often and see if I survive.


The Couple That Blogs Together

My husband, the webmaster/graphic designer/Rockband enthusiast/amateur chef/Peruvian wonder can now add blogger to his laundry list of talents.  The man is highly entertaining (not that I’m biased) and is already promising to deliver all sorts of awesomeness:

Behold the glory of the Delorean. The single greatest memory of my childhood. The car from the movie from the decade that crushes all other decades…. And movies.”

Check him out at for your daily (or occassionally weekly) dose of web-based randomness.

57 Years and counting…

I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate my grandparents on celebrating their 57th wedding anniversary. Though they’ve taught me countless lessons on how to live an honest and fulfilling life, the one lesson that’s always resonated above all others is knowing how to love. I’ve been blessed to have these role models in my life. Here’s to 57 brilliant years together…and to 57 more.

Jose Alberto & Luz Sofia Palma (My Grandparents) The Abuelos at my wedding in November 2009

Shameless Puppy Pics

The weather today was actually pretty fantastic for Memorial Day Weekend, so I was able to enjoy some time in the sun with my husband, my brother, and Romeo, everyone’s favorite pom. Here’s a video of the little rat in action.

I think he was pretty upset about being dropped in the water, as is evident in these shots. He gave us the silent treatment for a while, shook it off, and after more than a few dirty looks, retired to his new monkey bed for the night. It’s a tough life. *sigh*

Romeo Wet Puppy Nap Time Zzz...