Tag Archives: wynwood

Girls & Beer

Bubbles & Ink Blog

Saturday’s Wynwood Brewing Co. celebration found me with a baby and husband in tow around Wynwood’s colorful, art-loving, food-truck-gathering streets. This was Lucy’s first time out in that neighborhood and she seemed to be really amused by the graffiti walls and chalk-drawn sidewalks, not unlike her parents. Since she’s a Miami native, like her momma, we decided to capture a few shots to commemorate the visit to one of our city’s most iconic spots. The whole experience, though short because of the extreme heat, was really exciting for everyone – it’s not everyday you get to watch your little girl embrace some of the very things you enjoy yourself (minus the fermented stuff).

As a result of the experience, I wrote a piece for SimplyQ  – a basic craft beer guide for ladies, something I hope you’ll find helpful. Feel free to check it out on their site. And to see more pics of Lucy romping around town, click on through.

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Wynwood Art

There’s really no particular reason for sharing this art with you other than it’s long overdue. And, truthfully, we could all use a little gratuitous culture on occasion. All of these images were captured during the Wynwood Art Walk, one of the best ways to indulge in free culture and deliciously tempting food trucks. The next one is coming up on March 10 from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Until then, here’s something to get you through the day. Oh, and Happy Leap Day!



Wynwood Walls & Peter Tunney’s Art

I’ve lived in Miami my whole life and will admit to often having a love/hate – and sometimes even a love-to-hate – relationship with this oh-so-Magic(al) City. But even as I sit in my living room listening to the echo-y hollering of my proud Cuban neighbors bouncing off the hallway walls, I will admit there are corners of the city I enjoy stumbling upon. One such location is the garage-turned-gallery tucked away behind Wynwood Kitchen & Bar, where my husband and I (along with the Yelp Elite Miami crowd) enjoyed a free Peter Tunney exhibit a few nights ago.

After a wonderfully busy week of food, art, and fashion, it’s nice to settle in and blog for a bit to share some of my favorite moments before heading out for more of the former. I guess tonight feels like one of the rare love-to-love variety. Check out some cool scenes below. Hope you’re all having  a great weekend!

Peter Tunney: A Beautiful World



Wynwood Kitchen & Bar



What Reality? Live Screen-printing



P.S. Relax – I, too, am Cuban and will admit to being a teeny bit loud on occasion. It’s just a little harder to write with 8 other Cubans having a quiet discussion down the hall.