Pinup Pride

Never having been one for convention, once I passed 25 (and stopped worrying about giving my parents a small coronary), I marked my break-ups, birthdays, and boredom all in the same way: I called J. Valentine at Terribly Girly and asked her to make this curvy Cubanita an honest-to-Bettie pin-up girl. About 8 shoots (and a whole lotta sequins) later, Miss Valentine and her team of experts (make-up artists, hair gals, and a wardrobe genius/burlesque star) have now immortalized several holidays and life-changing events for me, to include my engagement, wedding, and, most recently, my 30th birthday.

I dug up some of my favorite shots after recently receiving the ones in honor of my big 3-0. I never doubted she’d do a great job, but the woman made feather lashes work. Seriously. If you’re at all a fan of pinup art, check out her gallery of amazing work. And if you’re a girl, do yourself (and your guy) a favor and get in touch with Terribly Girly. Seriously.

B&W Pulp Pinup - Terribly Girly Pink Bridal Pinup - Terribly Girly Vintage Engagement Pic - Terribly Girly Feather Lashes - Terribly Girly



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