The Pixel Trade Project

Pixel Trade by Shantanu Starick

Shantanu Starick has been travelling the world for 24 months now, capturing the people and places of five of the seven continents through his camera lens – and he’s yet to spend a dime.

Though many of us may have a hard time imagining the kind of lifestyle that relies on others for a daily meal and a bed to crash on for the night, Australian-born Shantanu Starick has made it his norm – his mission to see the world without the need for traditional currency has taken him to five of the seven continents using only his creative talents. By photographing artistic works, clothing and jewelry collections, and even weddings, the artist has managed to leave his mark on an expanse of locations around the globe.

Raised by self-proclaimed hippie parents, the photographer has shunned conventional views on money in an effort to follow his dreams without restriction. In a recent interview with Miami New Times, Starick urged creative types to think differently:

“Take a pause and question the norm,” Starick said. “If there is something you truly love to do and money is the obstacle, question the way it is done. Whatever you do, don’t let money stand in the way.

To date, Starick has completed 170 trades and has his focus set on making it to South America and Antarctica, the two continents he’s yet to check off his list. The photographer will be visiting Miami in July, from the 7th to the 15th, with opportunities for trade. If you’re interested in bartering or have possible connections to share, be sure to contact Elizabeth Monterrey directly.

Pixel Trade by Shantanu StarickPixel Trade by Shantanu StarickPixel Trade by Shantanu StarickPixel Trade by Shantanu StarickPixel Trade by Shantanu StarickPixel Trade by Shantanu Starick

All images used with permission from The Pixel Trade. All original images can be found on Shantanu Starick’s website. To follow along on his journey, check out Starick’s Instagram and Facebook pages.



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