Category Archives: Fashion & Beauty

Kid in the City: Lucy’s Favorite Miami Spots

Gymboree-Lucy-Bubbles & Ink-Miami

There are certain times of year when I wish for seasonal changes and colorful leaves on the ground. But enjoying a day of Miami’s crisp yet sunny fall weather this weekend easily made me forget that. In search of outdoor entertainment for Lucy, who is now a vocal and vibrant 19-month-old, led us to some of Miami’s most scenic spots.

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Blogger Roundup

October-Blogger-Roundup-Bubbles & Ink Blog  by Alicia Palma

One of the reasons I began blogging, other than wanting a creative outlet, was the inspiration I felt from the amazing women who were doing it so well. These women have been around for years, paving their own path and sharing their own creative passions with their readers, something that propelled me to share my own voice. I’m now sharing them with you, hoping to spread a little love and light.

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BCA: 11 Ways to Shop for a Cure

BCA-Shopping-Header Shop for a Cause Shop for a Cure Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which means many retailers and designers are participating by donating proceeds from certain items in support of the cause. This disease affects entirely too many men and women to let it pass without showing support, even in some small way. If you’d like to contribute or get involved, there are many ways to do so, which you can find here. But you can also do some good while you shop. Here’s a roundup of items you can purchase in support of Breast Cancer Awareness this month.

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